Richmond IONS October 2023 Meeting

Richmond IONS October 2023, Nelson MarquinaRichmond IONS October 2023 Meeting (October 21) and Central Virginia IONS Community Group Meeting. It will feature a talk by Nelson Marquina, MSc, PhD, DC.

Where: In person and online. Through ZOOM (Meeting ID: 865 1815 1952, Passcode: 142841) and in person at River Road United Methodist Church, Contemporary Worship Center, 8800 River Road, Richmond, VA 23229.

When: On Saturday, October 21, 2023, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, with a Potluck Lunch at the conclusion of the program.

Richmond IONS October 2023 Meeting

“The Latest on the Perils of 5G”

Our October 21, 2023 program will feature a talk by Nelson Marquina, MSc, PhD, DC, President, Founder and Chief Science Officer of Laser Biotech International.

Dr. Nelson Marquina is one of our most popular and frequently requested guest speakers, and for good reason. Always on the cutting edge of technology, Nelson is a developer of photonic and bioelectromagnetic systems and treatment protocols for healthcare applications in physical medicine and dentistry.

He has spent much of his professional life investigating and researching both the beneficial and the adverse health effects of modern technology such as electromagnetic fields (EMF). He has been developing guidelines and techniques for enhancing the EMF
beneficial effects and protecting from the deleterious effects.

Nelson focuses on how EMF, including 5G, affect our nervous and endocrine systems, and their influences on our physical and mental health, our emotions, and our spiritual experiences. In researching the EMF effects on humans, he addresses the nature of the self and our perceived nature of reality from the most fundamental principles of biophysics and biochemistry.

During the Covid year of 2020, Nelson gave us a cautionary presentation about the potential perils and pitfalls of 5G, but that was at a time when it was not yet in common or widespread use. Now 5G is ubiquitous, and its effects are no longer a subject of mere speculation, but the reality with which we all are living.

We are extremely pleased that Nelson is willing to take time from his busy professional schedule to address our group once again. It’s another not-to-be-missed program for all who can attend!

About Dr. Nelson Marquina, our Richmond IONS October 2023 Meeting Presenter

Dr. Nelson Marquina was born in Perú and now lives in Richmond, where he is the Chief Science Officer of Laser
Biotech International. His early exposures to shamans in the Peruvian Andes influenced his view of the world and his later interests in biophysics, psychology, and healthcare.

He earned a Master of Science in mathematical statistics from Worcester Polytechnical Institute and doctoral degrees in systems engineering from the University of Houston and in chiropractic medicine from Logan University.

He also extensively trained in the US and in Japan in acupuncture and energetic medicine, which qualified him to be certified by the Virginia Board of Medicine in Asian Meridian therapy, and Korean and Japanese acupuncture.

Nelson is a former Senior Scientist at NASA/Johnson Space Center and he has served on the faculties of the University of Houston in Systems Engineering, Virginia State University in Biophysics, the University of Rhode Island and University of Minnesota in Electrical Engineering, and Logan University as the director of research.

He also held engineering and management positions with GE, Honeywell and Lockheed Electronics in research and development in US government and NASA related projects. He has conducted seminars in technical and healthcare areas across the US and in countries such as Japan, China, Australia, Perú, Argentina, and Canada. His website is

About Central VA IONS Community Group:

Central VA IONS Community Group is an unincorporated association and a local community group of The Institute of Noetic Sciences, an international association based in Petaluma, California (

We do not promote any religion, religious organization, doctrine or set of beliefs or practices and we are open to all. Central VA IONS entirely depends on voluntary donations of its members and friends to support its programs, mailings and other costs.

We appreciate a love offering at each meeting from those attending who are not dues paying members. Richmond IONS/Central VA IONS meetings take place each month at locations announced in its program notices (currently on Zoom) and are open to all. Our website is at

About Our Richmond IONS Facebook Page:

Please also visit and “LIKE” our  Richmond IONS Facebook page

Spiritual Practice Series October 2023

Spiritual Earth Practices October 2023, Sarah nortonOur 11th installment of our Spiritual Practice Series will be held on Wednesday, October 4, 2023, and will feature a talk by Sarah D. Norton, Ph.D.. The talk will be entitled, “Dreaming with Earth: How dream images connect, expand, and hold us in times of uncertainty ”

This program is part of our new partnership with Sanctuary of Earth, Inc. These are on ZOOM only, which will offer live presentations focused primarily on spiritual practices (and referred to as “Spiritual Practice Series”).

This series is held on the first Wednesday of each month (except for July and (this year) September) from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m., Eastern Time, and from 4:00 p.m. until 5:30 p.m., Pacific Time.

To join us, please click on  The Meeting I.D for ZOOM is 814 7835 9729, and the Passcode is Earthlove.

Please note this is a different Zoom link, Meeting ID, and Passcode than what we use for our third-Saturday-of-the-month meetings.

So there will be no confusion, please note that this new ZOOM-only speaker series is in addition to our traditional third-Saturday-of-the-month meetings, which are both in-person and online via ZOOM and include a potluck lunch.

Spiritual Practice Series October 2023


The times we find ourselves in are nothing if not unprecedented and unpredictable. If we can take time to slow down and listen to our dreams, we can find that space, make vital connections to ourselves and those around us, and begin to listen to the voice of Earth speaking to us despite the chaos. Even our most frightening nightmares have a gift to give us.

By paying attention to dreams, synchronicities (meaningful coincidences), and other unconscious contents that call out to us, we can find this place of deep connection and resilience even in the throes of despair or overwhelm. Join us to explore dream images, climate despair and hope, and develop a plan to listen to your dreams more deeply.


Sarah D. Norton, PhD, is a depth psychologist and independent scholar with an MA and PhD in Depth Psychology with an emphasis in Jungian and archetypal psychology. With a passion for intersectional environmentalism, grief work, and creativity she writes about climate and current events from an archetypal perspective:

Sarah is the convener for education for the Foundation for Family and Community Healing, a certified dream group facilitator (Haden Institute in North Caroline), the editor of the publication The Rose in the World, and cohost for LABRC’s Psychreative. You can contact her at

Meeting info is at the top of the page. As to cost, there is a suggested donation of $10 or more to

For more information, see,, or email Susanna Calvert at

Richmond IONS September 2023 Meeting

Richmond IONS September 2023Richmond IONS September 2023 Meeting (September 16) and Central Virginia IONS Community Group Meeting. It will feature a talk by P.M.H. Atwater.

Where: In person and online. Through ZOOM (Meeting ID: 865 1815 1952, Passcode: 142841) and in person at River Road United Methodist Church, Contemporary Worship Center, 8800 River Road, Richmond, VA 23229.

When: On Saturday, September 16, 2023, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, with a Potluck Lunch at the conclusion of the program.

Richmond IONS September 2023 Meeting

“Edge Walker: The Many Lives and Deaths of P.M.H. Atwater.”

Our September 16, 2023 program will feature a talk by P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D., world-renowned Charlottesville author and NDE researcher, on her just published personal memoir, Edge Walker: The Many Lives and Deaths of PMH Atwater.

In her many books examining NDEs and other extraordinary phenomena, P.M.H. Atwater has, thus far, only revealed bits and pieces about her own life. Now, in Edge Walker, she finally tells us the whole story. This book explores, in great detail, her journey as a near-death experiencer, prolific author, wife, mother, and spiritual human.

A courageous trailblazer, P.M.H. has spent her entire life walking between worlds and trying to build bridges between them. Perhaps she sums it up best in her own words: “I’ll be almost eighty-six when this book is published. I leave you my laughter and my life and my books, and a host of questions still to be answered. No regrets. I did the best I could each step of the way.”

An international authority on near-death states, P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D., is the author of 19 books. Her writings have also appeared in numerous magazines, newsletters, and journals. Some of her research has been validated in clinical settings also mentioned in the Lancet Medical Journal. She has been given numerous citations, appeared on national television, and spoken twice to groups at the United Nations about her work.

She has donated both the copyright and all proceeds from her popular Big Book of Near-Death Experiences, an encyclopedic study of the phenomena, to the International Association of Near-Death Studies to aid in their work. Edge Walker is filled with surprises, as will be Ms. Atwater’s talk about it. We are blessed to have her back on our stage once again, and are grateful for it.

About P.M.H. Atwater, our Richmond IONS September 2023 Meeting Presenter

P.M.H. Atwater is the world’s most prolific NDE author, as well as one of its original, most indefatigable and highly respected researchers. Inspired by three NDEs of her own, Ms. Atwater began her research in the mid-1970s, almost 50 years ago, just after moving from Idaho to Virginia.

Since then, she has investigated over 5,000 NDE cases and others involving intense spiritual transformation around the world and authored nineteen books on this fascinating subject.

Ms. Atwater has won many awards, appeared on numerous TV shows and spoken at the United Nations and around the world – always inviting people to look beyond the surface appearance for the deeper truths underlying what we think we know.

About Central VA IONS Community Group:

Central VA IONS Community Group is an unincorporated association and a local community group of The Institute of Noetic Sciences, an international association based in Petaluma, California (

We do not promote any religion, religious organization, doctrine or set of beliefs or practices and we are open to all. Central VA IONS entirely depends on voluntary donations of its members and friends to support its programs, mailings and other costs.

We appreciate a love offering at each meeting from those attending who are not dues paying members. Richmond IONS/Central VA IONS meetings take place each month at locations announced in its program notices (currently on Zoom) and are open to all. Our website is at

About Our Richmond IONS Facebook Page:

Please also visit and “LIKE” our  Richmond IONS Facebook page

Spiritual Practice Series September 2023

Spiritual practice series September 2023Our 10th installment of our Spiritual Practice Series will be held on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, and will feature a talk by Stephanie Whitehead. The talk will be entitled, “Signs & Synchronicities: Recognizing and using them to help you in your life.”

This program is part of our new partnership with Sanctuary of Earth, Inc. These are on ZOOM only, which will offer live presentations focused primarily on spiritual practices (and referred to as “Spiritual Practice Series”).

This series is held on the first Wednesday of each month (except for July and (this year) September) from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m., Eastern Time, and from 4:00 p.m. until 5:30 p.m., Pacific Time.

To join us, please click on  The Meeting I.D for ZOOM is 814 7835 9729, and the Passcode is Earthlove.

Please note this is a different Zoom link, Meeting ID, and Passcode than what we use for our third-Saturday-of-the-month meetings.

So there will be no confusion, please note that this new ZOOM-only speaker series is in addition to our traditional third-Saturday-of-the-month meetings, which are both in-person and online via ZOOM and include a potluck lunch.

Spiritual Practice Series September 2023


Going about our day, we often run into coincidences, subtle signs or synchronicities that make us wonder if someone, maybe even the Universe or Spirit itself, is sending us a message. But do we really believe it? Do we brush it off as coincidence or wishful thinking?

Stephanie Whitehead believes it’s not a coincidence and that these messages can be a powerful tool to help you in your life. Join the talk on Signs and Synchronicities. Learn how to recognize them and use them to
guide spiritual growth, decisions, and more. Let these messages from the Universe, from Spirit, and from loved ones help guide you and give you valuable insight you may need in your journey through life.


Stephanie Whitehead is a follower of Earth-Centered Spirituality and the lessons we can learn from nature. She is a Reiki Master Practitioner and Teacher certified in Animal Reiki and specializing in animal massage. She is an intuitive Tarot Reader and tasseomancer (tea leaf reader), and has been studying signs and synchronicities in her life and in the lives of others for several years now.

She is also a writer of fiction and non-fiction and she teaches writing classes on breaking writer’s block and journaling. She is a singer and ritual leader as well and has recently become a licensed officiant in Virginia.

Meeting info is at the top of the page. As to cost, there is a suggested donation of $10 or more to

For more information, see,, or email Susanna Calvert at

Richmond IONS August 2023 Meeting

Richmond ions August 2023 Elia WiseRichmond IONS August 2023 Meeting (August 19) and Central Virginia IONS Community Group Meeting. It will feature a talk by Elia Wise.

Where: In person and online. Through ZOOM (Meeting ID: 865 1815 1952, Passcode: 142841) and in person at River Road United Methodist Church, Contemporary Worship Center, 8800 River Road, Richmond, VA 23229.

When: On Saturday, August 19, 2023, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, with a Potluck Lunch at the conclusion of the program.

Richmond IONS August 2023 Meeting

“The Spiritual Misconceptions of Our Time.”

Our August 19, 2023 program will feature a talk by Elia Wise, a Random House author based in Northern California. Elia is a seminal thinker in the field of metaphysics, and a private teacher of consciousness development and spirituality. Willis Harmon endorsed Elia’s book, Letter to Earth, saying “This book could change the world.” Below is a description of her talk, in Elia’s own words:

When Covid happened, the theatrical project I had been working on for a decade came to a full stop. As an empty-nester whose dear ones are far flung, I had unplanned and uncommitted solo time. I decided to use it to study the current public conversation around consciousness and spirituality. What were people saying to me on the phone, in professional forums, and on YouTube—in its array of academic discussions, astrology and Tarot readings, psychic channeling?

That study led me to this presentation. It also propelled me to begin writing a follow-up to my book, Letter to Earth (Random House, 2000), something I had not previously imagined. Here is what I learned. . .

We are on the verge of making an old mistake again, one that has already taken us 2,000 years to begin to acknowledge. A set of popular beliefs about spirituality and consciousness are being established as the foundation for a non-religion to replace religion.

Their frequent repetition and truthiness (truthiness being a sickness of our time—if in politics, why not in spirituality and consciousness?) makes them hard to discern from truth. They are compelling in their almost-resonance with what we almost recognize within us. An almost-truth has limited magnetism, limited potential to unfold a larger and deeper understanding.

It may draw in related ideas and people who share in those related ideas, but then it fizzles out. A spiritual Truth proves itself to you. It demonstrates its efficacy, perpetually, possessed of its own vitality. And, above all, it has the fractal’s inherent capacity to reveal the Whole.

In our meeting on August 19, I will offer insight into the emerging spiritual misconceptions of our time. More importantly, I hope to offer an angle of vision that can help you see  ore exquisite, and more resonant with your Soul’s knowing.

Another not-to-be-missed program for all who can attend!

About Elia Wise, our Richmond IONS August 2023 Meeting Presenter

Elia Wise is the mother of a sterling 30-year-old. She is self-educated, advanced by the tutelage of a profound spiritual teacher, a librettist, Journey to the Heart of the Matter, author, Letter to Earth,  Who We Are Becoming…What We Need to Know (Random House); For Children Who Were Broken (G.P. Putnam); and Artifacts of Intimacy (Inspired Company).

She is also the co-founder of Light Works Magic, television and film production, a subsidiary of Warner Bros., and Creator/CEO of PeoplePaper.

About Central VA IONS Community Group:

Central VA IONS Community Group is an unincorporated association and a local community group of The Institute of Noetic Sciences, an international association based in Petaluma, California (

We do not promote any religion, religious organization, doctrine or set of beliefs or practices and we are open to all. Central VA IONS entirely depends on voluntary donations of its members and friends to support its programs, mailings and other costs.

We appreciate a love offering at each meeting from those attending who are not dues paying members. Richmond IONS/Central VA IONS meetings take place each month at locations announced in its program notices (currently on Zoom) and are open to all. Our website is at

About Our Richmond IONS Facebook Page:

Please also visit and “LIKE” our  Richmond IONS Facebook page

Spiritual Practice Series August 2023

Spiritual Practice Series August 2023, , Tom CoatesOur 9th installment of our Spiritual Practice Series will be held on Wednesday, August 2, 2023, and will feature a talk by Tom Coates. The talk will be entitled, “Letting go of Limiting Beliefs.”

This program is part of our new partnership with Sanctuary of Earth, Inc. These are on ZOOM only, which will offer live presentations focused primarily on spiritual practices (and referred to as “Spiritual Practice Series”).

This series is held on the first Wednesday of each month (except for July) from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m., Eastern Time, and from 4:00 p.m. until 5:30 p.m., Pacific Time.

To join us, please click on  The Meeting I.D for ZOOM is 814 7835 9729, and the Passcode is Earthlove.

Please note this is a different Zoom link, Meeting ID, and Passcode than what we use for our third-Saturday-of-the-month meetings.

So there will be no confusion, please note that this new ZOOM-only speaker series is in addition to our traditional third-Saturday-of-the-month meetings, which are both in-person and online via ZOOM and include a potluck lunch.

Spiritual Practice Series August 2023, Description:

There is only one consciousness in Creation, and each of us is a unique aspect and divine spark of this all-encompassing whole.

The more fully we can know, integrate and embody this one truth or truth of oneness, the more fully we can recognize, engage with, and activate the Source of Creation, which lies hidden in plain sight within us.

The greatest impediments which deny us access to this divine self-realization are limiting beliefs – beliefs imposed on us from the moment of our conception from every quarter on Earth – parents, family, friends, society, education, culture, religion, governments, laws, and indeed ourselves.

These beliefs are designed to control, manipulate, separate, demean, diminish and limit us by causing us to believe, among other things, that we are far less than what we truly are.

This talk will focus on practices aimed at recognizing what some of those limiting beliefs are and the insidious holds they have upon us, on developing strategies for letting them go and expelling them, and on awakening to our inner divinity.

Tom Coates Bio:

Tom Coates is a Richmond-based lawyer who has represented numerous spiritually oriented and public interest groups throughout his career. He was a co-founder of Richmond’s Ekoji Buddhist Sangha in 1985, and has been a member and contributor of the Richmond IONS chapter since its formation in early 1996.

In his spare time he enjoys reading, creative writing, painting, woodworking, alpine skiing, biking, backpacking, sailing, time travel, metaphysics, and relaxing with his family at their ancient Outer Banks beach cottage and at La Quinta Esperanza in the Colombian Andes.

Meeting info:

Spiritual Practice Series August 2023, Wednesday, August 2, 2023, 7:00-8:30 pm ET (4:00 – 5:30 pm PT). Join us at, Meeting ID: 814 7835 9729, Passcode: Earthlove).

Cost: Suggested donation of $10 or more to

For more information:

See,, or email Susanna Calvert at


Richmond IONS July 2023 Meeting

Richmond Ions-July-2023-Howard-BatieRichmond IONS July 2023 Meeting (July 15) and Central Virginia IONS Community Group Meeting. It will feature a talk by Howard Batie.

Where: In person and online. Through ZOOM (Meeting ID: 865 1815 1952, Passcode: 142841) and in person at River Road United Methodist Church, Contemporary Worship Center, 8800 River Road, Richmond, VA 23229.

When: On Saturday, July 15, 2023, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, with a Potluck Lunch at the conclusion of the program.

Richmond IONS May 2023 Meeting

“The ETs Speak: Who We Are and Why We’re Here.”

OurJuly 15, 2023, program will feature a talk by Howard Batie, retired Naval Officer and Certified Hypnotherapist, on his book, The ETs Speak. Are we alone in the Universe?

That question has been answered definitively by the thousands of UFO sightings that are reported around the world every month, and the answer to the question is No. The bigger questions we should now be asking are: Who Are They? Why Are They Here In Our Skies? What Are Their Intentions?

These are the really important questions that can be answered only by the ETs themselves. With the help of an advanced form of Hypnosis developed by the author, we are beginning to receive the answers to these and other related questions by “interviewing” the ETs directly.

What we are told is that they, the ETs, have come here to assist us by working alongside us humans as we, with their advanced technologies and training, use new devices gifted by them to remove the radioactivity and pollution from our oceans, cleanse our atmosphere, teach us new methods of physical and emotional healing, strengthen our bodies and increase longevity through natural nutrition, and many other improvements.

In order to work alongside us, the ET races have decided to introduce themselves to us physically in several First Contact events in many countries around the world. Humanity will soon be asked to leave its childhood behind and quickly mature into a civilization that reaches for the stars in concert with its Galactic Brothers and Sisters.

The real purpose of Howard’s book is to introduce humanity to some of the ET civilizations we will physically meet during First Contact by providing us with advance information about who they are, what star systems they are from, why they are here, and how they are planning to assist humanity as we, with their help, ultimately join our Galactic mentors and friends and emerge into a space-faring civilization.

About Howard Batie, our Richmond IONS July 2023 Meeting Presenter

Howard Batie is a retired Naval officer, a retired satellite communications Program Manager and a Certified Hypnotherapist specializing in Spiritual Hypnotism. He is also an internationally-published award-winning author.

His books include Awakening the Healer Within, 2000; Healing Body, Mind & Spirit: A Guide to Energy-Based Healing, 2003; Spiritual Journeys: A Practical Methodology for Accelerated Spiritual Development and Experiential Exploration, 2014; Trans-Scalar Healing, 2017; and The Art of Metaphysical Communication, 2018).

He has also authored over 25 technical articles in the computer and electronics fields. Mr. Batie has received national recognition from the Johns Hopkins Institutes for development of innovative and practical techniques for using personal computers to aid the severely physically handicapped.

He also designed, developed and constructed several custom environmental telemetry systems (Volcano Monitors) for the U.S. Geological Survey. He is now in private practice as the Director of the Evergreen Healing Arts Center in Chehalis, Washington.

About Central VA IONS Community Group:

Central VA IONS Community Group is an unincorporated association and a local community group of The Institute of Noetic Sciences, an international association based in Petaluma, California (

We do not promote any religion, religious organization, doctrine or set of beliefs or practices and we are open to all. Central VA IONS entirely depends on voluntary donations of its members and friends to support its programs, mailings and other costs.

We appreciate a love offering at each meeting from those attending who are not dues paying members. Richmond IONS/Central VA IONS meetings take place each month at locations announced in its program notices (currently on Zoom) and are open to all. Our website is at

About Our Richmond IONS Facebook Page:

Please also visit and “LIKE” our  Richmond IONS Facebook page

Spiritual Practice Series July 2023

Spiritual-Practice-Series-July-2023-Susanna-CallvertOur 8th installment of our Spiritual Practice Series will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, July 12, 2023, and will feature a talk by Susanna Wu-Pong Calvert, MAPP, Ph.D., entrepreneur, speaker, yin reiki master, and spiritual and intuitive guide. The talk will be entitled, “Scaling Up ‘One Truth, Many Paths’ in Modern Times.”

This program is part of our new partnership with Sanctuary of Earth, Inc., to co-sponsor an additional speaker series, this one on ZOOM only, which will offer live presentations focused primarily on spiritual practices (and referred to as “Spiritual Practice Series”).

This series is held on the first Wednesday of each month (except for July) from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m., Eastern Time, and from 4:00 p.m. until 5:30 p.m., Pacific Time.

To join us please click on  The Meeting I.D for ZOOM is 814 7835 9729, and the Passcode is Earthlove.

Please note this is a different Zoom link, Meeting ID and Passcode than what we use for our third-Saturday-of-the-month meetings.

So there will be no confusion, please note that this new ZOOM-only speaker series is in addition to our traditional third-Saturday-of-the-month meetings, which are both in-person and online via ZOOM and include a potluck lunch.


The nature of our modern world has many of us experiencing great grief and anxiety for the future of our children and planet. As a result, many also may be awakening to the need for a greater sense of authenticity and connection to something greater than themselves, and/or sensing a great transformation is in process. Yet the way forward is unclear.

In this engaging talk, Susanna Calvert presents a developing framework for an inclusive and practical approach to modern spirituality to scale (for all). Broadly applicable core beliefs, tenets, and practices will be discussed, applied, and practiced as one way to begin creating the heaven on Earth that we all dream about.

Speaker Bio:

Susanna Wu-Pong Calvert, MAPP, PhD is a longtime academic and former atheist turned social and spiritual entrepreneur. After her spiritual awakening following the death of her sister and her husband in 2018, Susanna committed herself to her spiritual path and began offering pathways to create vibrant and harmonious relationships across the globe.

Motivated by her vision to create beloved community including Earth and all of nature, Susanna initiates and fosters initiatives for healing and connection through her nonprofit, the Foundation for Family and Community Healing (, the new Sanctuary of Earth ( and beyond.

Meeting info:

Wednesday, July 12, 2023, 7:00-8:30 pm ET (4:00 – 5:30 pm PT)
Click here to join:, Meeting ID: 814 7835 9729, Passcode: Earthlove


Suggested donation of $10 or more to

For more information:

See https://SanctuaryOfEarth.org, or email Susanna Calvert at

Richmond IONS June 2023 Meeting & Spring Fling

Richmond-Ions-June-2023-Spring-Fling First, about our Richmond IONS June 2023 Meeting…

Unfortunately, it had to be canceled due to the illness of a family member of the guest speaker. However,  regular programming will resume on July 15.

On the good news front, our annual SPRING FLING will take place THIS SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 2023, FROM 6:00 p.m., until … at 525 Sleepy Hollow Road, Richmond, Virginia 23229.

Bring a potluck dish to share and enjoy the good company, good food, and good music by Dan O’Neal and Claudia Carawan.  Wine, beer and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided.

I look forward to seeing you at the party on Saturday! More details are below:

Spring Fling June 2023

Spring Fling continued





Richmond IONS May 2023 Meeting

Richmond Ions May 2023, Robert BushmanRichmond IONS May 2023 Meeting (May 20) and Central Virginia IONS Community Group Meeting. It will feature a talk by Robert Bushman, Ph.D.

Where: In person and online. Through ZOOM (Meeting ID: 865 1815 1952, Passcode: 142841) and in person at River Road United Methodist Church, Contemporary Worship Center, 8800 River Road, Richmond, VA 23229.

When: On Saturday, May 20, 2023, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, with a Potluck Lunch at the conclusion of the program.

Richmond IONS May 2023 Meeting

“Who is God? A Radical Interpretation of the Old Testament”

Our May20, 2023 program will feature a talk by Robert Bushman, Ph.D., long-standing member of IONS and applied linguist.

In the common belief of our culture, God is thought of as a person – a wise and kindly old man, with a white beard, faintly Jewish, sitting somewhere up in heaven and directing human affairs. He is supposedly all-loving, all-knowing, all-powerful, and everywhere present.

Furthermore, He created everything – the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, all the stars, all the plants and animals, everything. Even us!

He knows what you’ve been thinking and doing. So, when you die, He will judge whether you go to heaven or hell.

Most of us, of course, have long since out-grown such naive notions, but the question persists: Who is “God,” anyway? Is “God” actually a person, or even a being at all? And how did the God-as-person idea ever get started?

Robert’s presentation will trace the origins of this idea, of the personification of God, and the beliefs which accompanied it, back to ancient Sumer in Mesopotamia, “the cradle of civilization,” and what we find will yield some big surprises. (Robert assures it’s not intended to shake your faith, only to clear things up.)

Robert previously has given talks to our group on exopolitics and remote viewing. They were among the most informative we’ve ever had, and we know this one will be as well.

Another not-to-be-missed program for all who can attend! See you there!

About Robert Bushman, our Richmond IONS May 2023 Meeting Presenter

Robert Bushman grew up in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and has lived in five other states, as well as in Europe and Asia. He is a retired Air Force Colonel and a Vietnam vet. His last military assignment was as a U.S. Embassy attaché in Stockholm.

He has a B.A. in Russian/Russian studies, an M.A. in applied linguistics, and a Ph.D. in instructional science. In the military, he retired as a senior intelligence officer with the rank of Lt. Colonel from the Air Force Reserve, and worked in that capacity for the Defense Intelligence Agency in Washington DC.

There he was being recruited into the Government RV program just before it was discontinued. As a civilian, he worked as a scientific linguist in translator evaluation and training and in language instruction, as well as a visiting professor of linguistics.

When the Soviet Union fell, he developed the first course in Estonian for the language school of the State Department. Robert is a long-standing member of IONS, and previously served as the community group coordinator in both Alexandria and Eugene, Oregon. with the world’s largest database on the subject.

About Central VA IONS Community Group:

Central VA IONS Community Group is an unincorporated association and a local community group of The Institute of Noetic Sciences, an international association based in Petaluma, California (

We do not promote any religion, religious organization, doctrine or set of beliefs or practices and we are open to all. Central VA IONS entirely depends on voluntary donations of its members and friends to support its programs, mailings and other costs.

We appreciate a love offering at each meeting from those attending who are not dues paying members. Richmond IONS/Central VA IONS meetings take place each month at locations announced in its program notices (currently on Zoom) and are open to all. Our website is at

About Our Richmond IONS Facebook Page:

Please also visit and “LIKE” our  Richmond IONS Facebook page

Upcoming Richmond IONS Meetings:

Looking for our upcoming meetings?  Please CLICK HERE.

To get on our mailing list, please click the “Menu” button and then the “Contact” button at the top right of this page and send us a message.