Richmond IONS Meeting, July 19, 2014

Featuring a Talk by Irene Kendig

“Conversations with Jerry and Other People I Thought Were Dead”

“What did you experience when you released your last breath on earth?” Thus begins each of the seven dialogs between Irene Kendig and her transitioned loved ones. In this two-hour presentation, Ms. Kendig will explore life from a spiritual perspective as she shares their answers.

But, the bigger question, and perhaps the more important one isn’t, “What happens when we die?” but rather, “What happens when we live? What happens when we live fearlessly in service to our heartfelt dreams and soul’s purpose?”

Ms. Kendig will discuss in detail how she’s applied what she learned from her loved ones on the other side so that we can all learn to eliminate unnecessary suffering, make choices in alignment with our soul’s purpose, and live a transformed life …heaven on earth…now!  What makes you come alive?

About Our Presenter:

Irene Kendig is a Soul-Centered Transformational Life Coach, speaker, and bestselling author. Her first book, Conversations with Jerry and Other People I Thought Were Dead, has been honored with seven national and international awards.

In this remarkable collection of interviews with seven loved ones who’ve died, Irene Kendig explores what happens when we transition from physical to non-physical reality. Each of the seven dialogues begins with the same question: “What did you experience when you released your last breath on earth.”

Claudia Pemperton of US Review of Books had this to say: “Author Irene Kendig strikes gold while digging for answers about life from those who have lived, died, and are now “living on.” It is impossible not to learn something about life from this book.”

Ms. Kendig facilitates clients from around the world – and locally in Charlottesville – in designing compelling, fulfilling lives by discovering and aligning with their soul’s purpose. She is gifted at facilitating the healing of trauma and the release of limiting beliefs.

She holds a B.A. cum laude in Psychology from UCLA and an M.A. in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica. She is a certified NLP Practitioner – the study of human excellence – a certified Alchemical Hypnotherapist, and a certified Practitioner of Emotional Freedom Therapy, also known as “tapping.” Visit her website at

Richmond IONS Meeting, June 21, 2014

Featuring a Talk by Qigong Master Sam Suen, Ph.D.

“Integrated Medical Qigong (IMQ)”

Do you know what “Qi” (pronounced as chee) is? Are you able to sense or feel your “Qi”? Do you know that practicing Qigong can help maintain or improve your health, increase vitality and solve some health issues?

The presentation will provide a better understanding of what “Qi” is and describe the various practice levels for “Integrated Medical Qigong” (IMQ), a modern integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western medicine to achieve best results of healing that was developed by Qigong Master Sam Suen.

About Our Presenter:

Dr. Sam Suen, Ph.D. has a BS in Foreign Language & Literature (National Taiwan University), MA in English (WVU), Ph.D. in Comparative Literature (SUNY-Binghamton, NY) and MS in Computer Science (SUNY-Binghamton, NY). His career path included being an Adjunct Lecturer (SUNY-Binghamton, NY), Assistant Professor (Union College, Schenectady, NY), IBM Staff Software Engineer. He retired in May 2014 from being an Instructor at Cape Fear Community College (CFCC), Wilmington, NC.

Qigong Master Suen’s qigong journey began in January 2009 when he partially lost the use of his right hand (cannot grab or squeeze but can gently pull) and suffered a severely frozen left shoulder (very painful when touched and cannot raise his left hand or arm). His primary care physician prescribed pain / anti inflammatory medication.

In March 2009, he saw a neurologist at Duke University and was tested (CAT scans, probes, etc.) by 3 physicians. He was diagnosed with “root nerve damage” and was told there was no cure (Note: He recalled that 18 years before his car was rear-ended and he suffered a whip-lashed; medical examination and tests did not reveal any injury).

He was prescribed and performed physical therapy exercises with no improvement. His wife signed him up for diagnosis and treatment on May 26, 2009 by a visiting Qigong Master from California. His wife also signed him up for qigong classes the next day. During treatment and classes, he experienced strong external movements.

One week later, he began to regain the strength of his right hand and three weeks later his left shoulder was completely healed. He continued to practice qigong and began intensive research on qigong and TCM. At the same time, he realized he had attained a high level of qigong practice.

In August 2009, he started to treat people (mainly his relatives) for minor health issues, with some experiencing positive results.

In early 2010, he began intensive research and studies in Western medicine, with the view of using this knowledge when performing Qi diagnoses and treatment.

Richmond IONS Meeting, May 17, 2014

Featuring a Talk by Bill Sanda

“Healing Through the Akashic Records?”

What if you could access the lessons of the past – including the distant past of cellular memories an previous lives? Imagine how accessing this energy coul change your life: you could resolve recurring patterns an issues; heal long0standing challenges; and even empower future growth.

You can access healing energies through your Akashic Records. The mysterious Akashic Records are a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibrational record of every soul and its journey.

These records are non-physical, often described as a library, a “universal supercomputer” and even the “Mind of God.”

The information found in the Akashic Records is completely available everywhere, to all beings. In this dynamic, flowing energy field of the universe, every thought, word and action that occurs in your life is recorded.  And then, those records are available to guide you through your present challenges.

Through your Akashic Records, the experiences of your past lives can help you gain new perspectives, achieve healing in your present consciousness, and connect with your eternal Divine Self. Bill’s unique gift for clearly accessing the healing capacity available from your Akashic Records, and his compassion and clarity are a positive force for anyone who seeks healing.

Please join Bill Sanda for a powerful gathering as he explores and explains the healing and clearing power of the Akashic Records. In addition, Bill will offer several mini-sessions for participants, do a short healing for each person, and close with a group healing.

About Our Presenter:

A spiritual seeker for more than three decades, Bill has studied with some of the most respected spiritual masters of our time. His git for clearly bringing the messages and healings from the Akashic Records was revealed to him several years ago. Now he offers this service to people as his gift back to the world in exchange for a simple love offering from the participant. Bill’s gift of compassionate clarity has been a positive force for the people who seek his gift.

Bill says, “I have been blessed to iscover my passion and path in life. I have been guided to work with others using this little known, but powerful process for healing. An Akashic Recor clearing can heal on many levels: emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual. I am honored to be granted the ability to share this kin of power with others.