Richmond IONS February Meeting, 2019

richmond ions february meeting, cathie stiversRichmond IONS February Meeting and Central VA IONS Community Group Meeting, Featuring a Talk by Cathie Stivers, Ph.D., M.Div.

Where: St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, New Parish Hall, 12291 River Road, Richmond, VA 23238.

When: Saturday, February 16, 2019, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, followed by a potluck lunch at the conclusion of the program.

Richmond IONS February Meeting Program Title:

“How to Tap into Our Old Souls to Become New Humans.”

Our February 16, 2019 program will feature a talk by Cathie Stivers, Ph.D., M.Div., Richmond-based author, teacher and minister.

For her presentation, Cathie will combine decades of college teaching and community ministry experiences with a passion for discovering indigenous ways of being in the world. She will talk about her recently published first book, Reviving Our Indigenous Souls: How to Practice the Ancient to Bring in the New (2018).

Cathie will also explain how its content equips us for living in this time of unprecedented galactic changes, which ancient cultures and religious seers prophesied.

We may call it the “Age of Aquarius” (astrology), “Kali Yuga” (Hindu cosmology) or the “Fifth Sun” (Mayan cosmology). Either way, it is marked by humanity’s exit from a 13,000-year cycle of spiritual and cultural decline.

Instead, it is replaced by humanity’s entrance into a 13,000-year period of ever-increasing consciousness and awakening to the fullness that is our birthright.

That birthright is the indigenous (literally “in-born”) soul that resides deep within each one of us, no matter who our ancestors are.

This is a rare yet most opportune time for us to remember what it means to be fully human. And Reviving Our Indigenous Souls offers an owner’s manual-like guide on how we can make the most of this cosmic occasion.

We ascend into higher dimensions of consciousness, while at the same time discerning our unique identities and purposes in this current lifetime.

Through the exploration of ancient ways of living in balance and harmony with all forms of life, and the application of 31 common verbs that collectively capture what it means to be fully human, this book is a perfect companion for a new age journey!

About Our Richmond IONS Presenter:

Cathie Stivers calls herself a learner and a teacher; a seeker and a minister; a translator and an author. She holds three academic degrees (Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Ph.D.) in Health Education, and was a college professor for 14 years, mentoring undergraduate and graduate students in learning about themselves and how to practice wellness and self-care.

Later in life, Cathie immersed herself in spiritual studies, reading everything she could get her hands on about the spirit world and the infinite interpretations of it.

Ultimately she left her public health career to enter seminary to learn about the spiritual dimension within and surrounding humans. Upon completion of her Masters of Divinity degree at Union Theological Seminary, she became the chaplain at Richmond’s Children’s Hospital, where she served for over 11 years.  During that time, Cathie became ordained by the Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Glen Allen.

From 2011 to 2014, Cathie was a scholar at Stephen Jenkinson’s Orphan Wisdom School ( in Canada.

While she was writing Reviving Our Indigenous Souls, a Mayan shaman revealed to Cathie what he saw as her life purpose − to bring the past into the present in order to manifest the future. This was the very intention of her book − to translate the wisdom of other cultures into a useable form for those who grew up in the dominant, Western culture.

For more on Cathie’s work, see

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Richmond IONS January Meeting, 2019

Flo Magdalena, Richmond IONSThe Richmond IONS January Meeting, and Central VA IONS Community Group Meeting will feature a talk by Flo Aeveia Magdalena.


Where: St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, New Parish Hall, 12291 River Road, Richmond, VA 23238.

When: Saturday, January 19, 2019, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, followed by a potluck lunch at the conclusion of the program.

Richmond IONS January Meeting Program:

“The Light of Our Origin.”

The program at our Richmond IONS January Meeting, on Saturday, January 19, will be our 23rd Anniversary Celebration. It will feature a talk by Flo Aeveia Magdalena, Vermont-based author, healer, channel, teacher and spiritual coach.

Flo began her professional life as an RN in the 1970s, with specialties in both critical care and psychiatric nursing. She was always a spiritual seeker and from early in her career undertook to combine metaphysics with nursing and medical care.

Then, a transcendent visionary encounter with Christ in 1989 gave her life a new dimension and trajectory. First she became a channel of the spirit of Mary Magdalene and then for other spirit beings as well.

From that experience, her first book emerged: I Remember Union: The Story of Mary Magdalena (1992). It is a first-person, first-hand account of Mary Magdalene’s life and times and her relationship with Jesus, as told by Mary Magdalene herself.

Her next book was Sunlight On Water: A Manual For Soul-Full Living (1995). It was intended to connect its readers with the life designs they carry in their souls. Three additional books have appeared since then.

Mary Magdalene’s Core Teachings

Flo’s presentation will focus on the teachings of Mary Magdalene. They have informed her work throughout the last thirty years. Her presentation will also include a channeling from Mary Magdalene, whose presence brings with it the presence of light.

Mary’s core teaching is that “our light is our strongest ally, our deepest resource, and our most unifying force.”

Remembering that we are light positively affects our cells and our bodily systems. It also helps us find our place in the world, and helps restore our connections with our own divinity.

Opening pathways within us that Mary calls seeds of light, Mary’s message to us will offer ways and means to expand and more fully integrate the brilliance of the light we each carry. Her message will open us to the vastness of who and what we truly are.

It would be hard to imagine a more fitting way to celebrate the 23rd Anniversary of our Richmond IONS Community Group and commence our 24th year than this program promises to provide. Our Richmond IONS January Meeting is a not-to-be-missed program for all who can attend. See you there!

About Flo Aeveia Magdalena, Our Richmond IONS January Meeting Presenter:

In her career as a Registered Nurse, Flo Aeveia Magdalena developed programs for using meditation and relaxation techniques to assist chronically ill psychiatric patients. She collaborated with the program director of the American Heart Association to develop AHA’s first stress management program in 1981.

Flo was also a facilitator for the American Lung Association’s Smoke Cessation clinics. She is the founder and Executive Director of Soul Support Systems (, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.  It offers programs designed to connect us with our soul, and catalyze our potential.

These programs are also designed to deepen our understanding of the connections between soul, mind and body. Flo has worked with individuals and groups throughout the world to help them connect with their soul essence and life purpose and to live to their highest potential.

Her other books include Honoring Your Child’s Spirit (2008), Cynthia’s Promise (2016) and  Hearts of the Village: You Have A Part to Play In The New Human Story (2017).

Recording of Flo Magdalena’s Presentation:

Please CLICK HERE for the audio recording

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Richmond IONS December Meeting, 12/15/2018

Richmond IONS Meeting December Tom CoatesRichmond IONS December Meeting, and Central VA IONS Community Group Meeting will feature a talk by Tom Coates + music by Dan O’Neal 


Where: St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, New Parish Hall, 12291 River Road, Richmond, VA 23238

When: Saturday, December 15, 2018, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. A potluck lunch will follow at the conclusion of the program.

Richmond IONS December Meeting Program:

“Choosing and Taking Responsibility for Your Life.”

Our program at our Richmond IONS December Meeting will feature a talk by Tom Coates. Tom is our group’s only still-active original member and one of our most popular guest speakers. Dan O’Neal will provide the music.

This is a continuation of Tom’s Self-Discovery series aimed at exploring the multidimensional facets of human identity and every human’s search for his or her authentic Self.

The Human Potential Movement And How It Has Affected Us

The Human Potential Movement had its origins in the 1960s, and was predicated on the hypothesis that our potential far exceeds our limiting beliefs about what is possible.

Its theme was that as sentient beings imbued with free will we can choose to awaken from our slumber and expand our consciousness, our awareness, our horizons, our capabilities and our potentials in every way we can imagine. And in doing so, we can free ourselves from limitations we previously took for granted and assumed were immutable.

The movement began 50+ years ago. In the meantime, it has been enhanced by parallel streams of information. In addition, it has included avenues of spiritual awakenings from a great variety of sources. These include channeled teachings, NDEs, OBEs, meditation, and more.

Breakthroughs in Science and Medicine

Moreover, they also include breakthroughs in science, medicine, and healthcare. These have mapped the human genome and extended life expectancies.

Tom will explore how these pathways have had the effect of awakening us to greater capacities for realizing who we are at ever deeper levels of our own being.  They have also led us to  accepting and taking ever greater degrees of responsibility for our lives, our destinies and our development of mind, body, and spirit.

In addition, Tom will also explore how these spiritual pathways are now converging with a host of new scientific discoveries. They indicate that the shifts occurring are not merely developmental but evolutionary in character. Also, the pace of human evolution is quickening precisely as the Mayan Calendar predicts.

As with earlier installments, the goal of this talk will be to enable everyone there to penetrate even more deeply into the mystery of his or her own authentic Self at its deepest levels.

This promises to be another blockbuster program. It will also be a fitting way to conclude our group’s twenty-third year and usher in its twenty-fourth. As always, Tom promises some secrets known only to a few will be revealed.

This is a not-to-be-missed program for all who can attend. See you there!

About Tom Coates, Our Richmond IONS December Meeting Presenter:

Tom Coates is a Richmond-based lawyer who has represented numerous spiritually oriented and public interest groups throughout his career. He was a co-founder of Richmond’s Ekoji Buddhist Sangha in 1985. Tom has been a member and contributor of the Richmond IONS chapter since its formation in early 1996.

In his spare time, he enjoys reading, creative writing, painting, woodworking, alpine skiing, biking, backpacking, sailing, time travel, metaphysics, and relaxing with his family at their ancient Outer Banks beach cottage or their Appalachian Mountains retreat.

He still reports his most significant unfulfilled ambition of this lifetime is to make love to an extraterrestrial female, preferably of Pleiadean or Sirian origin.

Recordings of Tom’s Presentation & Supplement:

Click HERE for the recording of the meeting

Click HERE for the recording of Tom’s additional comments

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Richmond IONS Meeting, November 17, 2018

Nicki Peasley Richmond IONSRichmond IONS Meeting and Central VA IONS Community Group Meeting Featuring a Talk by Nicki Peasley.

Where: St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, New Parish Hall, 12291 River Road, Richmond, VA 23238

When: Saturday, November 17, 2018, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, followed by a potluck lunch at the conclusion of the program.

Richmond IONS Program Title:

“Death – An Ellipsis of Life.”

Our November 17, 2018 program at our Richmond IONS Meeting will feature a talk by Nicki Peasley, Richmond author. She will speak about her newly published poetic memoir, Ellipsis.

Nicki Peasley is a human being who finds truth and joy through listening, writing, energy healing, leading ceremonies, teaching children and communing with nature. However, she claims no expertise in any field except learning.

For instance, her most profound learning to date is reflected in her recently published poetic memoir, Ellipsis. In other words, Ellipsis is a series of dialogues between the spirit of her recently deceased mother and herself.  As a result, it is a story of Love and loss, an exploration of the human condition, and a mystical journey across the realms of reality.

Ellipsis – A Grammatical Structure As A Metaphor

An ellipsis is a grammatical structure wherein some thoughts communicated are implied but not expressly stated. However, Nicki uses the term artfully as a metaphor. She defines it within her book as, “…an indication of pause or wavering, allowing space for breath, for reflection, for mystery; an intentional omission that invites the reader to complete the circle….”

At first, Nicki’s Ellipsis project began as a tribute to her mom and an expression of her grief. It also became a path for healing her feelings of inconsolable loss. Consequently, her journey has been transformative, transcending boundaries between this world and the next. In addition, it offers profound lessons for us all.

Ellipsis presents a series of cathartic dialogues between mother and daughter across the seasons of their lives. Nicki will invite us into the “winter” of her book to intimately explore the meaning of a good death, the power of life review, and the truth of a spiritual legacy.

An “end of life” doula in training, Nicki will open and invite all into a dialogue about death as a sacred experience.  In other words, she’ll present us with a mirror of everyone’s story in form and an ellipsis of Life itself. It’s time to transform the way we hold death in our culture. One conversation, one circle, one sacred event at a time. Join us.

This is a not-to-be-missed program for all who can attend. See you there!

About Nicki Peasley, Our Richmond IONS Meeting Presenter:

Our presenter, Nicki Peasley, has been a teacher in various settings for more than twenty-five years. Currently, her greatest teachers are the special needs elementary school students with whom she spends her days. In addition to her teaching duties, she practices fairyology and vortex healing.

She also writes a regular column entitled “This Little Light of Mine” in the statewide consciousness journal called Awareness, that will hopefully relaunch this winter. Nicki lives in the North Side of Richmond with her husband, her three teenagers, her chocolate Lab, George Bailey. And she reflects, “So far it’s been a wonderful life.”

About Richmond IONS AKA Central VA IONS Community Group:

To find out more about Central VA IONS Community Group (Richmond IONS Meeting), please CLICK HERE.

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Richmond IONS Meeting October 20, 2018

Unacknowledged-Stephen Greer Richmond IONS MeetingRichmond IONS Meeting and Central VA IONS Community Group Meeting Featuring a Film by Steven Greer, M.D. and the Disclosure Project (plus a panel discussion).

Where: St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, New Parish Hall, 12291 River Road, Richmond, VA 23238

When: Saturday, October 20. Coffee, bagels and donuts 9:00 to 9:30. Film and panel discussion 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, followed by a potluck lunch at the conclusion of the program.

Richmond IONS Program Title:

“Unacknowledged: An Exposé of the World’s Greatest Secret.”

Our October 20, 2018 program at our Richmond IONS Meeting will feature a documentary film by Steven Greer, M.D. and the UFO Disclosure Project. Afterwards, a panel discussion will follow, with Ann Pane, Moderator, and Panelists Tom Hansen, Ph. D., Robert Bushman, and Tom Coates.

“Unacknowledged” focuses on the historic files of the Disclosure Project and how UFO secrecy has been ruthlessly enforced – and why. Therefore, the film will include evidence for Extraterrestrial contact, dating back decades, along with direct top secret witness testimony, documents and UFO footage. In addition, the behind-the-scenes research and high level meetings convened by Dr. Steven Greer will expose the degree of illegal, covert operations at the core of the UFO conspiracy.

In fact, from briefings with Presidents, to meetings with CIA Directors and top Pentagon Brass, the viewer will be taken behind the veil of secrecy and into the corridors of real power where the UFO secrets reside.

Specifically, “Unacknowledged” is based on over 100 hours of top-secret military, corporate and intelligence whistleblower testimony. Dr. Greer also utilized thousands of top secret documents and 25 years of behind-the-scenes meetings with the world’s elite.  As a result, he will take the viewer on an astonishing, disturbing and inspiring journey.

Finally, Dr. Greer’s film will run from 9:30 a.m. until about 11:15 a.m. Afterwards, until noon, a discussion will follow between all those present and the panel members. This is a not-to-be-missed program for all who can attend. See you there!

About Our Richmond IONS Meeting Presenters:

• Steven M. Greer, M.D. is a retired UVA traumatologist and ufologist who founded the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and the Disclosure Project, which seeks disclosure of suppressed UFO/ET information.

• Moderator Ann Pane is a member of our steering committee, and has been an interested follower of Dr. Greer’s Disclosure Project since its inception. She also is a feng shui expert and was a presenter to our group in May 2015.

• Panelist Tom Hansen, Ph.D., is a retired math teacher, author of several books (including Trying to Remember (1995) and Remembering Our Oneness(2013)) and former Charlottesville-area Team Member of Dr. Greer’s Disclosure Project. He also was a presenter to our group in April 2015 and June 2016.

• Panelist Robert Bushman is a retired Air Force Colonel, Vietnam vet, State Department attaché and linguist, and an expert in the hidden world of exopolitics. He presented a talk to our group on exopolitics in February 2017 which drew one of the largest crowds ever and was exceptionally well received.

• Panelist Tom Coates has had a lifelong fascination and intuitive sense of affinity with all things involving UFOs/ETs and extraterrestrial contacts of every description, as well as memories of human and nonhuman ET lifetimes. He also is a member of our steering committee and a frequent presenter to our group.

About Richmond IONS Meeting AKA Central VA IONS Community Group:

To find out more about Central VA IONS Community Group (Richmond IONS Meeting), please CLICK HERE.

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Richmond IONS Meeting September 15, 2018

Antonia Albano Richmond IONS MeetingRichmond IONS Meeting and Central VA IONS Community Group Meeting Featuring a Talk by Antonia Albano.

Where: River Road Church – Baptist, 8000 River Road, Richmond, VA 23229

When: Saturday, September 15, 2018, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, followed by potluck lunch at conclusion of program.

Richmond IONS Program Title:

“Journey Into the Expanded Realms of Love…with sacred geometry for the new human.”

Our September 15, 2018 program at our Richmond IONS Meeting will feature a talk by Antonia Albano. She is a Lexington based Mid-wife and Messenger for the Geometric Technologies of Love.

Antonia has had a life-long fascination with both how the un-manifest is made manifest, and how the un-manifest is integral to our existence and permeates all life with its intelligence. While on a modern day vision quest in 2004, Antonia began to draw shapes that have become the focus of her life. She’ll explain how, if one chooses to allow it, such forms can impact and shape our lives and all life as we know it. She also discovered how with the shapes came a beautiful, gentle yet powerful and palpable energetic message as to their purpose.

Over the next eight years, six more geometric shapes new to this earth plane presented themselves to Antonia. These shapes, with motion, color and sound, together form a family called the Geometries of Love… sacred technologies for the new millennium. Each is magnificent and important in its own right. However, together they function synergistically as a potent generator that is the Unified Field System of Love. They create for our own experience what Antonia describes as both “the Next Octave of Love” and “the Next Octave of Human!”

Antonia, as the midwife and messenger of these geometries, will explain how they sometimes gestated for up to 1.5 years until “the intelligence” said they were ready to be introduced to the world.

While each was gestating, minor shifts occurred in Antonia’s understanding.  She noticed, appreciated and integrated more clarity in its name and expansion in purpose. Sometimes she received little information at the onset, and sometimes pages of information.

Antonia will provide an overview of these beautiful living, breathing, infinitely intelligent geometries. She’ll also integrate graphics, messages and melodies to help us see a bit of what has been shown to her. This promises to be an exciting presentation and we are extremely grateful to Antonia for sharing it with us.

About Antonia Albano, Our Richmond IONS Meeting Presenter:

Our Richmond IONS Meeting Presenter, Antonia Albano, has been facilitating workshops on the raising of human consciousness since early 1990s. As a result, this has taken her through many interesting and diverse fields, most moving into the esoteric sciences and sacred geometry. She is the founder of the World Love Project, Virginia’s Celebration of Love multi-day event and the Healing Resonance council.

Antonia has been involved for over three decades with the California-based Alohem Center for Transformational Studies. In addition, she also co-founded the California Institute of Mind-Body Awareness just north of San Francisco, where she spent time as a Transformation Coach and Spiritual Mentor.

Antonia and her husband Barney own and operate South River Highlands, a 250-acre retreat center near Lexington, Virginia in the Shenandoah Valley. In addition, this center serves as the International Headquarters of the World Love Project. She continues exploring esoteric studies, expanding her inner knowing and dissolving illusions. For more information, see,, and

About Richmond IONS Meeting AKA Central VA IONS Community Group:

To find out more about Central VA IONS Community Group (Richmond IONS Meeting), please CLICK HERE.

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Richmond IONS Meeting August 18, 2018

Dan Furst, Astrocartographer, Richmond IONSRichmond IONS Meeting and Central VA IONS Community Group Meeting, Featuring a Talk by Dan Furst, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala based astrocartographer, astrologer, author and actor, who will be discussing the sacred sites of ancient Egypt and what they can teach us today.

Where: River Road Church – Baptist, 8000 River Road, Richmond, VA 23229

When: Saturday, August 18, 2018, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, followed by potluck lunch at conclusion of the program.

Richmond IONS Meeting Program Title:

“The Nile Chakras: Sacred Energy Sites of Ancient Egypt.”

Our August 18, 2018 program at Richmond IONS Meeting (Central VA IONS Community Group Meeting) will feature a talk by Dan Furst, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala based astrocartographer, astrologer, author and actor, who will be discussing the sacred sites of ancient Egypt and what they can teach us today.

Dan will talk about the spiritual energetics at sacred sites in ancient Egypt: the Giza Pyramids, the
world’s first holistic medicine centers at the Step Pyramid of Saqqara and the Birth Temple of Hathor
at Dendera, the mysterious water therapy pool of the Osireion at Abydos, the Temple in Man at Luxor,
the Temple of Isis the Mother at Philae and others.

All of these sites were crucial to lost Egyptian
technologies and spiritual practices, based in the “Will to the Light,” that aimed to create the “Khu,” the immortal light body that transcends and survives the passing of the physical body.

These sites are especially notable for their sound properties, spiritual symbols and practices, and Dan will share his experiences while living in Egypt for five years, learning the Egyptian alchemy and exploring and singing in the pyramids and temples to test their extraordinary acoustic aspects.

Dan is also the world’s leading expert in the field of astrocartography, the science of locational astrology maps which illustrate your most – and least – likely places to fulfill your goals and dreams.

His talk will include a discussion of his many years of work with astrocartography, and how the astrological aspects inherent to each of us can be either favorably or unfavorably aligned with different geographic locations around the world (since every point on the globe has its own astrological aspects as well).

At the conclusion of his talk, Dan will be available for a book signing of both Maps of Power, his seminal work on astrocartography, and his newest book, The Rain on the Nile (2018), which tells the famous ancient Egyptian myth of Isis and Osiris as a play with 21st Century technologies of light and sound.

Hosting Dan Furst as our guest speaker at our Richmond IONS Meeting is a rare and unique opportunity, and we look forward to his talk.
This is a not-to-be-missed program for all who can attend. See you there!

About Dan Furst, Our Richmond IONS Meeting Presenter:

Dan Furst holds a literature and drama, and a Master’s Degree in 18th Century Literature from Columbia University, New York. Dan has been a professional astrologer and astrocartographer for 41 years. He is the author of four astrology-related
books: Dance of the Moon (2009), Surfing Aquarius (2011), Finding your Best Places (2015) and Maps of Power (2016).

He has worked as a writer, actor and ceremonial artist in New York, Hawaii, Japan, India, Egypt and Peru. As his own experiment in Astrocartography, Dan travels extensively and has lived in Egypt, Japan, Peru and Guatemala, studying and following their esoteric traditions.

Through readings and workshops to tens of thousands of seekers worldwide, Dan empowers connection and purpose to enliven the creativity of individuals and our collective humanity. His website is at

About Richmond IONS AKA Central VA IONS Community Group:

To find out more about Central VA IONS Community Group (Richmond IONS), please CLICK HERE.

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Richmond IONS Meeting July 21, 2018

Scarlett Heinbuch Richmond VACentral VA IONS Community Group Meeting (Richmond IONS Meeting) Featuring a Talk by Scarlett Heinbuch, Ph.D.and David Schwartz

Where: River Road Church – Baptist, 8000 River Road, Richmond, VA 23229

When: Saturday, July 21, 2018, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, followed by potluck lunch at conclusion of program.

Richmond IONS Meeting Program Title:

“Waking Up To Love”

Our July 21, 2018, our Richmond IONS program will feature a talk by Scarlett Heinbuch, Ph.D., Richmond based author, educator, energy practitioner/intuitive consultant and certified Reiki Master, who, along with her husband David Schwartz, will be discussing her new book, Waking Up To Love: Our Shared Near-Death Encounter Brought Miracles, Recovery and Second Chances.

Scarlett met David for the first time in September 2005 when David was on the brink of death. He had been in an unresponsive coma for nearly four weeks, on a ventilator for life support and in complete kidney failure due to a rare form of vasculitis. When Scarlett was asked by David’s mother to visit her son David, whom Scarlett did not know, in his hospital room, to perform Reiki on him.  David was still in a coma and deemed to be in his final hours of life.

Scarlett spent 12 days doing energy healing with David. During that time they had a shared near-death experience (SNDE),
resulting in an unexplained and miraculous medical recovery for David and an unexpected love story for them both.

The story of two people who woke up to a world of love on the other side and were able to bring it back to earth – together – will inspire others to know that the transformative power of healing love exists and can be applied in everyday life. Her book tells this story and Scarlett and David will be sharing how this remarkable experience changed them both at their deepest levels.

All NDE accounts are transformative and inspiring in one way or another. Scarlett’s and David’s story is especially inspiring due both to the apparent hopelessness of David’s situation when Scarlett was asked to get involved and to the rare and extraordinary nature of their shared NDE. Once opened, Waking Up To Love grabs the reader like a spellbinding thriller that is nearly impossible to put down. Their talk about this remarkable experience promises to be just as electrifying and engaging.

About Dr. Scarlett L. Heinbuch and David Schwartz, Our Richmond IONS Presenters:

Scarlett L. Heinbuch holds a public policy from Virginia Commonwealth University and a Master’s Degree in public health from VCU’s School of Medicine. She is a certified Reiki Master in the Usui System of Natural Healing. She has
studied complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine for more than 25 years and is an energy practitioner/intuitive consultant in the Richmond area.

Scarlett has also worked in the financial services field, including several Fortune 500 companies, in banking and brokerage for more than 15 years. She is a pioneering researcher in the area of women and money, especially as it relates to women’s attitudes and behaviors around retirement planning. She lives in Midlothian, Virginia, with her husband, David Schwartz. Her website is at

We look forward to seeing you at your upcoming Richmond IONS Meeting (Central VA IONS Community Group Meeting) on July 21.

About Richmond IONS AKA Central VA IONS Community Group:

To find out more about Central VA IONS Community Group (Richmond IONS), please CLICK HERE.

About Our New Richmond IONS Facebook Page:

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Upcoming Richmond IONS Meetings:

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Central VA IONS Community Group Meeting June 16, 2018, & Party Info

Albert Moore Richmond IONSCentral VA IONS Community Group Meeting (Richmond IONS Meeting) Featuring a Talk by Albert Moore

Where: River Road Church – Baptist, 8000 River Road, Richmond, VA 23229

When: Saturday, June 16, 2018, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, followed by potluck lunch at conclusion of program.

Please read all the way to the end or click here for info on our Annual Party that evening!

Central VA IONS Community Group Meeting Program Title:

“Eyes in the Mirror and the New Earth Trilogy.”

Our June 16, 2018 program at Richmond IONS (Central VA IONS Community Group Meeting) will feature a talk by Albert Moore, a New York, Santa Fe and Richmond based architect, urban designer and mystic visionary. He will be discussing his new book, Eyes in the Mirror − Everything Changed When He Met His Soul.

Al Moore, after a forty-five-year career as an award- winning architect and urban designer, returned to his creative roots. In January 2018 he finally published his long awaited novel in which he weaves actual events from his life with fiction.  He tells an inspirational story about the relationship he’s cultivated with his soul and through him, its adventures on the illusions of separation.

In his Central VA IONS Community Group Meeting presentation, Al will explain that in writing Eyes in the Mirror an opportunity arose to investigate the idea that our Souls, the non-physical but permanent part of ourselves, create a general plan for each of our incarnations to explore the many different aspects of the illusion of separateness.

By exploring separateness, our Souls and we as individuals gain insight and wisdom, eventually remembering that unity is inescapable. As we evolve towards individuated expressions of Creation, a New Earth emerges.

Al’s aspiration is that the readers of his book and those who attend his talk will recognize similarities between his life stories and theirs as evidence of their Soul’s Design playing itself out. By following our Soul’s Design, we begin to consciously play our parts in remembering union and that our lives on Earth are loving expressions, creative, healthy, and as long as we choose.

Al intends to write two additional books to make Eyes In The Mirror the first of an inspirational trilogy. Book two will present evidence of his Soul’s Design in later stages of his present life. Book three will include more details about his vision for New Earth. It also will include results of an international design competition for New Earth physical and social systems based on unity.

About Albert Moore, Our Richmond IONS Presenter:

Albert Moore has always been a visionary. As an undergraduate in architecture at Pratt Institute, he was fascinated by the effects on human behavior of geometry, proportion, light, color and texture. While pursuing graduate studies at Columbia University,
he applied behavioral design concepts to support positive human interaction in designing urban environments.

In his architectural practice he developed a theory that architecture can transform human consciousness. Al presented applications of these concepts at the International Design Conference for rebuilding Bosnian cities. After 45 years as an architect and urban designer, Al has returned to his visionary roots. He writes a blog twice monthly at We are looking forward to his presentation at our June Central VA IONS Community Group Meeting

About our Annual Richmond IONS Party on June 16th

Join us a second time that day – for our Annual Richmond IONS Party! CLICK HERE for details and directions!

About Richmond IONS AKA Central VA IONS Community Group:

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Central VA IONS Group Meeting May 19, 2018

William Brisson, Richmond IONSRichmond IONS Meeting Featuring a talk by William Brisson

Where: River Road Church – Baptist, 8000 River Road, Richmond, VA 23229

When: Saturday, May 19, 2018, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, followed by potluck lunch at conclusion of program.

Richmond IONS Program Title:

“Energetic Feng Shui – Navigating the Subtle Bodies and Energy Fields for Greater Love, Harmony and Beauty.”

Our May 19, 2018 program at Richmond IONS will feature a talk by William Brisson, a New York and Richmond based energy worker and feng shui expert.

In his presentation, William will help us experientially explore energy fields and their effects in our lives and offer helpful ways to access them for greater health, freedom and wholeness.

Our energy fields have all the stored memory of past impressions and experiences, as well as the limiting blocks and programming that are affecting the present (often inherited from genetic lines or other lifetimes).

The same applies to the physical spaces and land we inhabit, as well as non-physical entities such as business, projects and events. All of these fields can be beautifully worked with for manifestation, while limiting patterns and impressions can be gently transmuted.

Through our intention and entering sacred dialogue with the fields of all life, we can identify the patterns, programs and blocks to our hopes and dreams, while opening up to the beautiful infinite possibilities that are there for the asking.

William will share gentle and empowering ways to clear what we wish from the past, live more harmoniously in the present and attain all we desire for the future. By working with many clients over the years, William has learned and will share how the field also holds the keys to realizing and becoming who we truly are.

We will navigate the fields to serve and support our heart’s deepest intentions. Please bring some intentions you would like support with, as there will be plenty of opportunities for lively participation and demonstrations, as well as group practice.

William will share insights about many spaces he has worked with and show us how to cleanse and re-set the energy fields of our homes and businesses to manifest our dreams, desires and highest aspirations.

About William Brisson, Our Richmond IONS Presenter:

William Brisson is a New York and Richmond based energy worker and feng shui expert, and has been practicing Energetic Feng Shui for 18 years. He knows from experience that one’s inner being, as well as outer living and work spaces can either support, or act as a hindrance by how healthy they are energetically.

William is passionate for families, children and businesses to grow in healthy clear environments to flourish, be happy, and develop their gifts, knowing this will help our planet immensely. William has cleared and set the fields in many commercial and residential spaces in NYC as well as abroad, and is a master practitioner in several highly effective energetic modalities.

He was lead facilitator, area coordinator, and instructor for a training called “The Way of the Heart” for 14 years, and has over 20 years experience working in sessions with people and companies. His intentions are to bring a lot of heart, caring and respect to sessions for people to uncover and be present to the realization of their own truth, beauty and abundance. For more about William’s work visit

About Central VA IONS Community Group:

To find out more about Central VA IONS Community Group (Richmond IONS), please CLICK HERE.

About Our New Richmond IONS Facebook Page:

Please also visit and “Like” our new   Facebook page

Upcoming Meetings:

To find out about our upcoming meetings, please CLICK HERE.

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