Richmond IONS February Meeting and Central VA IONS Community Group Meeting, Featuring a Talk by Cathie Stivers, Ph.D., M.Div.
Where: St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, New Parish Hall, 12291 River Road, Richmond, VA 23238.
When: Saturday, February 16, 2019, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, followed by a potluck lunch at the conclusion of the program.
Richmond IONS February Meeting Program Title:
“How to Tap into Our Old Souls to Become New Humans.”
Our February 16, 2019 program will feature a talk by Cathie Stivers, Ph.D., M.Div., Richmond-based author, teacher and minister.
For her presentation, Cathie will combine decades of college teaching and community ministry experiences with a passion for discovering indigenous ways of being in the world. She will talk about her recently published first book, Reviving Our Indigenous Souls: How to Practice the Ancient to Bring in the New (2018).
Cathie will also explain how its content equips us for living in this time of unprecedented galactic changes, which ancient cultures and religious seers prophesied.
We may call it the “Age of Aquarius” (astrology), “Kali Yuga” (Hindu cosmology) or the “Fifth Sun” (Mayan cosmology). Either way, it is marked by humanity’s exit from a 13,000-year cycle of spiritual and cultural decline.
Instead, it is replaced by humanity’s entrance into a 13,000-year period of ever-increasing consciousness and awakening to the fullness that is our birthright.
That birthright is the indigenous (literally “in-born”) soul that resides deep within each one of us, no matter who our ancestors are.
This is a rare yet most opportune time for us to remember what it means to be fully human. And Reviving Our Indigenous Souls offers an owner’s manual-like guide on how we can make the most of this cosmic occasion.
We ascend into higher dimensions of consciousness, while at the same time discerning our unique identities and purposes in this current lifetime.
Through the exploration of ancient ways of living in balance and harmony with all forms of life, and the application of 31 common verbs that collectively capture what it means to be fully human, this book is a perfect companion for a new age journey!
About Our Richmond IONS Presenter:
Cathie Stivers calls herself a learner and a teacher; a seeker and a minister; a translator and an author. She holds three academic degrees (Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Ph.D.) in Health Education, and was a college professor for 14 years, mentoring undergraduate and graduate students in learning about themselves and how to practice wellness and self-care.
Later in life, Cathie immersed herself in spiritual studies, reading everything she could get her hands on about the spirit world and the infinite interpretations of it.
Ultimately she left her public health career to enter seminary to learn about the spiritual dimension within and surrounding humans. Upon completion of her Masters of Divinity degree at Union Theological Seminary, she became the chaplain at Richmond’s Children’s Hospital, where she served for over 11 years. During that time, Cathie became ordained by the Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Glen Allen.
From 2011 to 2014, Cathie was a scholar at Stephen Jenkinson’s Orphan Wisdom School ( in Canada.
While she was writing Reviving Our Indigenous Souls, a Mayan shaman revealed to Cathie what he saw as her life purpose − to bring the past into the present in order to manifest the future. This was the very intention of her book − to translate the wisdom of other cultures into a useable form for those who grew up in the dominant, Western culture.
For more on Cathie’s work, see
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