Featuring a Talk by Mary Mayer
“Are you willing to let your body make you money?”
Did that question get your attention? What if this dialogue isn’t about prostituting yourself . . . in order to have the life you’d like to live, and to have the money to do it with ease? What if, by making peace with your body you’ll become more abundant?
What if, by learning to love your body and listen to it, you’ll be happier, healthier and more resilient? We’ll explore how our bodies can ATTRACT – or REPEL – the energy of money.
You’ll be shown 7 Tools for Change that will allow us to shift into more abundance – including a means to check for bio-feedback from your body. We’ll take a playful romp through the dynamic ideas of ACCESS CONSCIOUSNESS®, the target of which is “empowering you to know what you know.”
Gary Douglas founded this work more than 25 years ago in California and its philosophy has now spread worldwide – with thousands of facilitators teaching classes in more than 100 countries. “Consciousness included everything and judges nothing.”
About Our Presenter:
Mary L. Mayer, The Resilient Optimist, loves to empower and enable compassionate, courageous and openhearted givers to navigate major life transitions with greater ease, joy and fun than they ever imagined possible.
Mary fosters others to become the Resilient Optimists they were born to be, using the dynamic tools of Access Consciousness®, along with verbal clearing and her signature Release /Increase process.
Mary’s intuitive gifts combine with a light and open heart, a gentle, yet courageous nature and a belief that there is nothing broken in us to be fixed, just change to be invited to experience if one chooses.