Richmond IONS May 2022 Meeting

Richmond IONS May 2022 Susannah RedelfsRichmond IONS  May 2022 Meeting (May 21) and Central Virginia IONS Community Group Meeting. It will feature a channeling by Susannah Redelfs.

Where: Online and in person, through ZOOM (Meeting ID: 865 1815 1952, Passcode: 142841) and in person at River Road United Methodist Church, Contemporary Worship Center, 8800 River Road, Richmond, VA 23229.

GREAT NEWS: Our Potluck is back!

When: On Saturday, May 21, 2022, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.

Richmond IONS May 2022 Meeting

“Channeled Guidance from The Council of One.”

Our May 21, 2022, program will feature a channeling by Susannah Redelfs, Atascadero, California-based channel of The Council of One.

Susannah Redelfs has been channeling The Council of One since her early childhood. The Council of One is a merged entity of 5th dimensional souls whose collective highest purpose is supporting and coordinating the physical and spiritual evolution of this universe and its embodied inhabitants, including planet Earth and humanity.

The Council offers a unique and inclusive perspective on the changes occurring in ourselves and with Earth herself. Working through incarnate partners (like Susannah) on Earth and elsewhere, the Council disseminates its message of unconditional love into and across the physical plane, in joyful and loving service to All-That-Is.

The Council’s orientation is pragmatic and its energetic signature is pure, unconditional love. It provides practical, effective tools and techniques for spiritual self-help and expansion. They offer their viewpoints, teachings and energetic support in the greatest love and without any conditions or expectations of belief in or adherence to their teachings.

Above all, they encourage us to fully exercise our own free will and autonomy—unvarnished by cultural, social, religious, or political programming and belief systems— and to use our own discernment— free of prejudice (prejudgment) or bias— to determine our own truth.

As a merged entity, meaning it is comprised of soul essences from many different soul entities who have joined together for a common purpose, the Council of One offers a whole greater than the sum of its parts, whose trademark is love, humor and the occasional much needed kick-start to the next level of consciousness.

Susannah and the Council joined us once before in July 2013 and were a hit with our group. We are extremely pleased and grateful to welcome them back.

About Susannah Redelfs, our Richmond IONS May 2022 Meeting Presenter

Susannah Redelfs has been channeling the Council of One since she was about three years old. Since then,she has become a highly trained etheric surgeon and energy worker whose focus is on supporting people through this critical transition on Earth with both energy and information.

As a conscious merged channel, she has over three decades of experience working in partnership with the Council of One. Her upper-dimensional medical specialty is the harmonization of all energy bodies with the physical so that greater joy and communion with Spirit can be attained and experienced on a daily basis while living a human lifetime.

Her divine essence is Synergy, which makes her a specialist in the harmonization and balancing of energy fields, probabilities and people. Susannah works equally effectively one-on-one or in small groups.

Susannah’s encompassing picture of reality is that she is a vast multidimensional master who is here to work with other powerful masters to co-create a daily experience of joy on the physical plane, otherwise known as Heaven on Earth.

As such, her orientation is not to “heal” or “fix” anyone, but to play with, and support her fellow masters during these times of accelerated and unprecedented change. Susannah can be reached for personal consultations or speaking engagements at

About Central VA IONS Community Group:

Central VA IONS Community Group is an unincorporated association and a local community group of The Institute of Noetic Sciences, an international association based in Petaluma, California (

We do not promote any religion, religious organization, doctrine or set of beliefs or practices and we are open to all. Central VA IONS entirely depends on voluntary donations of its members and friends to support its programs, mailings and other costs.

We appreciate a love offering at each meeting from those attending who are not dues paying members. Richmond IONS/Central VA IONS meetings take place each month at locations announced in its program notices (currently on Zoom) and are open to all. Our website is at

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