Central VA IONS Community Group Meeting (Richmond IONS Meeting) Featuring a Talk by Albert Moore
Where: River Road Church – Baptist, 8000 River Road, Richmond, VA 23229
When: Saturday, June 16, 2018, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, followed by potluck lunch at conclusion of program.
Please read all the way to the end or click here for info on our Annual Party that evening!
Central VA IONS Community Group Meeting Program Title:
“Eyes in the Mirror and the New Earth Trilogy.”
Our June 16, 2018 program at Richmond IONS (Central VA IONS Community Group Meeting) will feature a talk by Albert Moore, a New York, Santa Fe and Richmond based architect, urban designer and mystic visionary. He will be discussing his new book, Eyes in the Mirror − Everything Changed When He Met His Soul.
Al Moore, after a forty-five-year career as an award- winning architect and urban designer, returned to his creative roots. In January 2018 he finally published his long awaited novel in which he weaves actual events from his life with fiction. He tells an inspirational story about the relationship he’s cultivated with his soul and through him, its adventures on the illusions of separation.
In his Central VA IONS Community Group Meeting presentation, Al will explain that in writing Eyes in the Mirror an opportunity arose to investigate the idea that our Souls, the non-physical but permanent part of ourselves, create a general plan for each of our incarnations to explore the many different aspects of the illusion of separateness.
By exploring separateness, our Souls and we as individuals gain insight and wisdom, eventually remembering that unity is inescapable. As we evolve towards individuated expressions of Creation, a New Earth emerges.
Al’s aspiration is that the readers of his book and those who attend his talk will recognize similarities between his life stories and theirs as evidence of their Soul’s Design playing itself out. By following our Soul’s Design, we begin to consciously play our parts in remembering union and that our lives on Earth are loving expressions, creative, healthy, and as long as we choose.
Al intends to write two additional books to make Eyes In The Mirror the first of an inspirational trilogy. Book two will present evidence of his Soul’s Design in later stages of his present life. Book three will include more details about his vision for New Earth. It also will include results of an international design competition for New Earth physical and social systems based on unity.
About Albert Moore, Our Richmond IONS Presenter:
Albert Moore has always been a visionary. As an undergraduate in architecture at Pratt Institute, he was fascinated by the effects on human behavior of geometry, proportion, light, color and texture. While pursuing graduate studies at Columbia University,
he applied behavioral design concepts to support positive human interaction in designing urban environments.
In his architectural practice he developed a theory that architecture can transform human consciousness. Al presented applications of these concepts at the International Design Conference for rebuilding Bosnian cities. After 45 years as an architect and urban designer, Al has returned to his visionary roots. He writes a blog twice monthly at https://bluespacecreations.wordpress.com. We are looking forward to his presentation at our June Central VA IONS Community Group Meeting
About our Annual Richmond IONS Party on June 16th
Join us a second time that day – for our Annual Richmond IONS Party! CLICK HERE for details and directions!
About Richmond IONS AKA Central VA IONS Community Group:
To find out more about Central VA IONS Community Group (Richmond IONS), please CLICK HERE.
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Upcoming Richmond IONS Meetings:
To find out about our upcoming meetings, please CLICK HERE.