Richmond IONS March 2021 Meeting on Zoom

Albert Moore, Richmond IONS March 2021Richmond IONS  March  2021 Meeting (March 20) and Central Virginia IONS Community Group Meeting. It will feature a talk by Albert Moore.

Where/When: Online only, through ZOOM, on Saturday, March 20, 2021, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. See the detailed ZOOM instructions in the email.

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Richmond IONS March 2021 Meeting

“Experiential Introduction to the City of Union.”

Our March 20, 2021 program will feature a talk by Albert Moore, a New York, Santa Fe and Richmond based architect, urban designer and mystic visionary.

Since November 11, 1991, when he experienced Union with All-That-Is, Al Moore has been accustomed to having visions, insights, inner knowings, and remembrances about the original way of Being human as embodied Souls.

His experience in Union led him to travel the world, studying with masters of shamanism and energy work. Then he applied these experiences to his professional expertise in architecture and the design of the complex systems we call our cities, towns and

Al invites us to imagine floating in the universe, completely free from any and all your beliefs in separateness. In this state you become aware that you are the extension of the light of your Soul. You know the real you, eternal and unlimited in your creative capacities.

Imagine too, during this Union, that you have a knowing that you and all humans have parts to play in orchestrating humanity’s remembering of Union. The system collapsing around us is simply the way creation works. There is nothing wrong!

You know that humanity is approaching a critical mass of remembering Union. And then Earth organically restores Herself to reflecting our Union. Everything changes!

At our Richmond IONS March 2021 Meeting

At our March 20, 2021 meeting, Al will share the visions and insights which came through his conscious awareness when he asked, “What does human life and Earth look like when humans have remembered their Union with All-That-Is?”

Al will discuss the steps he took to prepare himself to embody Union in his physical, mental, and emotional fields. Then he will take us on a journey inward to enter a simultaneous parallel reality where Earth reflects our collective Union.

He’ll draw upon excerpts from his book, Eyes In The Mirror, to paint a picture of the social systems of New Earth, and he’ll present a layout and details for a City of Union. A question and comment period will conclude his presentation.

About Albert Moore, Our Richmond IONS March 2021 Presenter:

Albert Moore has always been a visionary. As an undergraduate in architecture at Pratt Institute, he was fascinated by the effects on human behavior of geometry, proportion, light, color and texture.

While pursuing graduate studies at Columbia University, he applied behavioral design concepts to support positive human interaction in designing urban environments.

In his architectural practice, he developed a theory that architecture can transform human consciousness. Al presented applications of these concepts at the International Design Conference for rebuilding Bosnian cities.

After 45 years as an architect and urban designer, Al has returned to his visionary roots. Albert offers small group and individual mentoring sessions in Self-Mastery to prepare for Union and New Earth. He can be reached at:

About Central VA IONS Community Group:

Central VA IONS Community Group is an unincorporated association and a local community group of The Institute of Noetic Sciences, an international association based in Petaluma, California (

We do not promote any religion, religious organization, doctrine or set of beliefs or practices and we are open to all. Central VA IONS entirely depends on voluntary donations of its members and friends to support its programs, mailings and other costs.We appreciate a love offering at each meeting from those attending who are not dues paying members. Richmond IONS/Central VA IONS meetings take place each month at locations announced in its program notices (currently on Zoom) and are open to all. Our website is at

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