Program Title: “Being Humans.” Our June 15, 2024 program will feature a talk by Melissa Gates-Perry, author and channel, and Aralamb, her spirit guide, on the book they co-authored, Being Humans (2022).
Melissa was born and raised in Southern Vermont. She became aware of her intuitive, psychic nature and abilities as a child. She connected with Aralamb and began channeling for clients in 1993 and has since worked with people in every part of the world.
Being Humans encompasses 30 years of relationship between Melissa and Aralamb, and all of the information and life lessons that Aralamb revealed to her. Her chaotic childhood was rife with terrifying situations that Melissa had to navigate in order to survive. A talented storyteller, she included compelling personal stories of how she learned to apply Aralamb’s wisdom to her life. Being Humans is a no-holds-barred, brutally honest read threaded with life lessons, stories from 2024 her childhood, encouragement, and Aralamb’s wisdom, all offered to better understand and steer through our lives’ trials. Early on Aralamb offers the following information about spirit guides and humanity:
Every soul who is born into any kind of organic body in this Universe is given a soul guide/teacher. The range of souls incarnate at any given time who are even remotely aware of their guide/teacher on Earth has been sitting at 21% of the living population. This very low percentage of souls who can connect with their guides has been very stable and unchanging for many thousands of years on your planet. In the mid-section of the last Century A.D., that number of sensitive souls began to rise and sits now at this time at 38%. The evolution of humans is meant to bring this number up to 62% in the next 100 Earth years, which will tip the population’s energetic imprint in the Universe and shift the planet “up” in frequency, thereby creating a new reality, a new direction, and a new paradigm for the human species.
Another not–to–be–missed program for all who can attend! See you there!
About Our Presenter: Melissa Gates-Perry is an intuitive channel who has been working with clients for 30+ years through her guide, Aralamb. The focal point of her work is uplifting, healing, and teaching her clients to live better lives through self-knowledge and the workings of the soul. Much of her work delves into childhood trauma and integrating those lessons with Aralamb. Melissa lives in the Green Mountains of Vermont with her husband and herd of chihuahuas. She has been a frequent guest on podcasts like Next Level Soul, with Alex Ferrari, The Jeff Mara Podcast, and Love Covered Life, with Melissa Denyce. Melissa can be reached through her website at
About Central VA IONS Community Group: Central VA IONS Community Group is an unincorporated association and a local community group of The Institute of Noetic Sciences, an international association based in Petaluma, California ( Central VA IONS is not associated with any religion, religious organization, doctrine or set of beliefs or practices and is open to all. Central VA IONS is entirely dependent upon voluntary donations of its members and friends to support its programs, mailings and other costs, and a love offering is requested at each meeting from those attending in-person or online. Central VA IONS meetings are held each month at locations announced in its program notices and are open to all. Our website is at
Where/When: In person and online, through ZOOM (Meeting ID: 865 1815 1952, Passcode: 142841) and in person at River Road United Methodist Church, Contemporary Worship Center, 8800 River Road, Richmond, VA 23229, on Saturday, June 15, 2024, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, with Potluck Lunch at conclusion.
Upcoming Meetings:
July 20, 2024: Carrie Phillips, Richmond-based energy healer.
August 17, 2024: Steve Martin, Richmond-based spiritual author and publisher.
September 21, 2024: Lawrence Schecter, San Francisco/Bend,OR/Richmond architect on developing a spiritual center
October 19, 2024: Joanne Kong, Ph.D., University of Richmond professor, acclaimed concert pianist, author and TED Speaker.