Richmond IONS December 2021 Meeting

Richmond IONS December 2021 Meeting, Tom CoatesRichmond IONS  December 2021 Meeting (December 18) and Central Virginia IONS Community Group Meeting. It will feature a talk by Tom Coates.

Where: Online and in person, through ZOOM (Meeting ID: 865 1815 1952, Passcode: 142841) and in person at River Road United Methodist Church, Contemporary Worship Center, 8800 River Road, Richmond, VA 23229.

When: On Saturday, December 18, 2021, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.

Richmond IONS December 2021 Meeting

“Awakening the Heart and Soul of Humanity – The Next Phase.”

Our December 18, 2021, program will feature a talk by Tom Coates, our group’s only still-active original member and one of our most popular guest speakers, in collaboration with his sidekick, Taliesin St.Clair.

Between January 15, 1981 and March 15, 1984, three seekers named Don Elkins, Carla Rueckert and Jim McCarty held 106 channeling sessions with an off-world “sixth density” group called the Ra.

As a result, the people of Earth were given the five volume The Law of One” series, plus a number of ancillary works since then. Most who are familiar with The Law of One consider it the most complete and highly advanced metaphysical and conceptual framework of creation and consciousness which has ever been made available to humanity.

Recently Tom was gifted with a series of downloads from his own sources of spirit guidance which appear to offer a substantial expansion of the framework set forth in The Law of One. He will share that expanded framework with us and the expanded opportunities and understandings it offers both to humanity and to our galactic brothers and sisters, including the Ra.

Tom has dedicated more than a decade of his annual talks to our group to the exploration of who we are at the deepest levels of our being. This year’s presentation will carry that theme further than ever before and will point the way how we, as a species, by engaging the better angels of our nature, can save ourselves and countless other species from extinction.

It will also show us how to transform the human experiment on Earth from an abysmal failure to a resounding success, and how we, as individuals, can experience the true joy and purpose of Creation merely by allowing ourselves to know who and what we truly are and getting out of our own way.

This promises to be another great program and a fitting way to conclude our group’s twenty-sixth year and usher in its twenty-seventh.

About Tom Coates, our Richmond IONS December 2021 Meeting Presenter

Tom Coates is a Richmond-based lawyer who has represented numerous spiritually oriented and public interest groups throughout his career. He was a co-founder of Richmond’s Ekoji Buddhist Sangha in 1985, and has been a member and contributor of the Richmond IONS chapter since its formation in early 1996.

In his spare time, he enjoys reading, creative writing, painting, woodworking, alpine skiing, biking, backpacking, sailing, time travel, metaphysics, and relaxing with his family at their ancient Outer Banks beach cottage and their Appalachian Mountains retreat.

He is very pleased to report that his most significant previously unfulfilled ambition of this lifetime – to make love to an extraterrestrial female – has now been fulfilled.

About Central VA IONS Community Group:

Central VA IONS Community Group is an unincorporated association and a local community group of The Institute of Noetic Sciences, an international association based in Petaluma, California (

We do not promote any religion, religious organization, doctrine or set of beliefs or practices and we are open to all. Central VA IONS entirely depends on voluntary donations of its members and friends to support its programs, mailings and other costs.

We appreciate a love offering at each meeting from those attending who are not dues paying members. Richmond IONS/Central VA IONS meetings take place each month at locations announced in its program notices (currently on Zoom) and are open to all. Our website is at

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Richmond IONS November 2021 Meeting

suzanne munson, richmond ions november 2021Richmond IONS  November 2021 Meeting (November 20) and Central Virginia IONS Community Group Meeting. It will feature a talk by Suzanne Munson.

Where: Online and in person, through ZOOM (Meeting ID: 865 1815 1952, Passcode: 142841) and in person at River Road United Methodist Church, Contemporary Worship Center, 8800 River Road, Henrico, VA 23229. 

When: On Saturday, November 20, 2021, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Our ZOOM calls are password protected. You need to be on our email list to get the link and the password for each ZOOM event.

To get on the mailing list, just click on the Menu button at the top right of this page, and then on the Contact button. Then send us a message that you want to be added to our email list, and we’ll add you.


Richmond IONS November 2021 Meeting

“Jefferson from Beyond the Veil.”

Our November 20,2021 program will feature a talk by Richmond author, historian and CV IONS Community Group member, Suzanne Munson, to discuss her intriguing new book, The Metaphysical Thomas Jefferson.

Prepare for an intriguing visit to the mind of Thomas Jefferson, from his place in spirit. In her new book, The Metaphysical Thomas Jefferson, writer Suzanne Munson asked several Jefferson scholars: “If you could speak with Thomas Jefferson today, what questions would you ask?”

She presented the inquiries as a “class exercise,” as she had taught some Jefferson history at the university level. These questions, plus some of her own, were channeled through a respected medium, Jana Anna, in eight hours of recorded sessions.

The subjects were wide-ranging: Jefferson’s current views on government, foreign policy, higher education, race relations, the media, the military, religion, slavery, and other Founding Fathers, including Alexander Hamilton. Jefferson quipped, “Who knew Hamilton would become a song and dance man?”

Suzanne learned of Jana Anna during a Richmond IONS presentation several years ago by Irene Kendig, author of Conversations with Jerry and Others I Thought Were Dead, an international book award winner consisting of seven compelling readings by this medium.

Suzanne concluded that if Jana could channel “regular” people, why not someone famous? Why not Thomas Jefferson? The Metaphysical Thomas Jefferson is trending well on Amazon and received this review from Jeffrey Long, M.D., author of the New York Times bestseller, Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences: “Future leaders of America need to read this book.

The wisdom it contains could help steer this country in the right direction for generations. This is a remarkable, exceptionally well-written work, with the ring of reality.”

Suzanne was a guest speaker for our group in 2019 about her previous book, Jefferson’s Godfather: The Man Behind the Man, and we are extremely pleased to have her back.

About Suzanne Munson, our Richmond IONS November 2021 Presenter

Suzanne Munson holds an undergraduate degree, magna cum laude, from the University of Maryland, earned a master’s degree in education from Virginia Commonwealth University, and attended The Executive Program at the Darden School of
Business at the University of Virginia.

She teaches courses on the Wythe-Jefferson legacy at UVA, William and Mary, and University of Richmond OSHER affiliates and at the Chautauqua Institution in New York. She also gives talks about these two Founding Fathers to various community groups and historical associations.

Suzanne previously spoke to the RichmondIONS chapter in May of 2019 regarding historical and metaphysical connections to her first book, a biography of George Wythe, Jefferson’s Godfather: The Man Behind the Man.

Her new book is currently earning excellent reviews and 5 stars on Amazon. Suzanne lectures frequently at the college level on the Wythe-Jefferson legacy. For more information:

About Central VA IONS Community Group:

Central VA IONS Community Group is an unincorporated association and a local community group of The Institute of Noetic Sciences, an international association based in Petaluma, California (

We do not promote any religion, religious organization, doctrine or set of beliefs or practices and we are open to all. Central VA IONS entirely depends on voluntary donations of its members and friends to support its programs, mailings and other costs.

We appreciate a love offering at each meeting from those attending who are not dues paying members. Richmond IONS/Central VA IONS meetings take place each month at locations announced in its program notices (currently on Zoom) and are open to all. Our website is at

About Our Richmond IONS Facebook Page:

Please also visit and “LIKE” our Richmond IONS Facebook page

Upcoming Richmond IONS Meetings:

Looking for our upcoming meetings?  Please CLICK HERE.

To get on our mailing list, please click the “Menu” button and then the “Contact” button at the top right of this page and send us a message.

Richmond IONS January Meeting 2020

Richmond IONS January 2020 Meeting Tom HansenRichmond IONS January Meeting 2020 (January 18) and Central Virginia IONS Community Group Meeting. It will feature a talk by Tom Hansen

Where: St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, New Parish Hall, 12291 River Road, Richmond, VA 23238

When: Saturday, January 18, 2020, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, followed by a potluck lunch at the conclusion of the program.

Richmond IONS January Meeting 2020 Program

“Artificial Intelligence vs. Human Life – a Metaphysical Conundrum.”

In celebration of our 24th Anniversary, our January 18, 2020 program will feature a talk by Tom Hansen, Ph.D., Charlottesville-based educator, author, singer/songwriter/musician and metaphysical philosopher.

Are we living in a simulation? A matrix? Is there really an AI “God” in control? How do we, the biological species, survive AI? Who are the Archons? What relevance do the Gnostic Gospels of 2,000 years ago have to AI today?

Tom Hansen will explore these and other questions with the IONS
gathering in his presentation. Some experts are warning us that AI is an existential threat to humanity.

Other experts are not so sure. We will discuss some of these possible AI future developments, and we’ll take a short look at the history of AI, some of which Tom began to work on in the 1960s.

What can we do spiritually in response to AI?

As it turns out,  AI is, in a sense, prompting us to use our innate spiritual abilities to overcome (or go beyond) AI influence. Consequently, we will explore together what we can do spiritually in response to AI, since our spiritual power is beyond anything AI can produce.

Not long ago a funded post-doctoral AI research fellow at a major American university asked Tom to comment on his research project. Specifically, he wanted him to put his own consciousness into a computer so that he will have everlasting life. And here we thought that happened only in the movies.

So his project is an example of how AI and the human body are being combined. As a result, we need to seriously consider the possible outcomes of this trans-humanist era that is upon us now.

In addition, Tom also will explore the hypothesis that we are living in a simulation. At this very time, several indicators from varied disciplines are pointing toward the possibility that we are influenced by some sort of matrix or grid that is limiting our full experience of life and of our Selves.

Tom will present some of the evidence as it exists now.  Then we will discuss how this Matrix idea may relate to AI. And how it might even relate to the Archons described in the Gnostic Gospels discovered in Egypt in 1945.

Tom comes from a mathematics/computer education background and also from a background as a writer of spiritual books and songs. Moreover, he is a lifetime seeker of metaphysical truths – still searching, of course. That makes him is uniquely qualified to present this challenging topic in a coherent and engaging way.

This is yet another not-to-be-missed program for all who can attend! See you there!

About Tom Hansen, Our Richmond IONS January 2020 Meeting Presenter:

Tom Hansen, Ph.D., is a retired mathematics education researcher, author of math books and teacher. He began his career in the Peace Corps in Liberia in 1964. Then, Tom was the founder of a non-profit that coordinated citizen exchanges between the U.S.S.R. and the U.S. in the 1980s.

Furthermore, he was a Non-Governmental participant at the Earth Summit in 1992. In the meantime, Tom has sung and played guitar for decades. As a result, he as several CDs of his songs and has performed at numerous festivals, workshops and conferences.

As well, he is a member of the Positive Music Association. Specifically, his 2014 CD, “Book Concert,” consists of songs whose lyrics are all quotes from his Remembering Our Oneness book.

About Richmond IONS AKA Central VA IONS Community Group:

To find out more about Central VA IONS Community Group (Richmond IONS), please CLICK HERE.

About Our Richmond IONS Facebook Page:

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