Richmond IONS February 2021 Meeting on Zoom

Richmond Ions February 2021 Vickie GriffithRichmond IONS  February 2021 Meeting (February 20) and Central Virginia IONS Community Group Meeting. It will feature a talk by Vickie Griffith.

Where/When: Online only, through ZOOM, on Saturday, February 20, 2021, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. See the detailed ZOOM instructions in the email.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Our ZOOM calls are password protected. You need to be on our email list to get the link and the password for each ZOOM event.

How to get on the mailing list: Just click on the Menu button at the top right of this page, and then on the Contact button. Then send us a message that you want to be added to our email list, and we’ll add you. We will send about 2 emails for each monthly event.


Richmond IONS February 2021 Meeting

“How to Give Up the Need to Be Right and Get What You Want.”

Our February 20, 2021 program will feature a talk by Vickie Griffith, Florida-based author and hypnotherapist, about her latest book,
entitled You Can Be Right About Everything and Still Have Nothing.

You are doing all the right things to grow your life, yet it still feels stagnant. Your family is unattached or bickering with each other. Your boss is getting on your last nerve and it is getting harder to enjoy your work. You have gone to seminars, read the latest spiritual or self -help book, but you are still stuck.

Same people, same office, same issues every day. Nothing seems to go right for you. You wake up in the middle of the night worried about money, your children, your health. You are plain tired out, worried, stressed and anxious.

It is not for lack of knowing what to do. You are a smart person. It is not for lack of working hard. You work hard. The truth is the self-help industry has you confused. Do you work a bit harder or stop working so hard? Do you seek outside advice or listen from within, to your own inner voice?

And they tell you it is all your fault, that you cannot have it all. Or can you? There is partial truth to “it is your fault,” but not in the way you think. It is not that you cannot stick to the plan. You have had some success or done it before. It is not hard work or putting in more time that gives you what you want in life.

It is something sneakier and slier that you do not even realize is the reason you give up. Your need to be right is keeping you stuck.

But hold on. You are taking that the wrong way. It is the need to prove your faulty and flawed belief systems are right that is getting in your way, and she’ll offer plenty more on that during her talk.

Vickie previously addressed our group in September 2016 and was one of the most engaging speakers we’ve ever had. We are very pleased to welcome her back.

About Vickie Griffith, Our Richmond IONS February 2021 Presenter

Vickie Griffith struggled with her weight until…she stopped dieting. As a reserved, fat, unhappy teenager, she lived every day as a wall flower. Due to her lack of confidence and a low self-esteem, she was good at sabotaging any efforts to lose weight and keep it off.

That is until she lost 49+ pounds and has kept it off for over 20 years, using simple, easy to implement tools that stopped the food cravings, managed anxiety, and stopped the sabotage. She went from a ho-hum, unhappy, fat existence as a teenager to a certified hypnotist, an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) professional, a professional speaker, and a regularly featured radio and television show guest.

She is the author of Stucked UP!: A Breakthrough Path to Getting Unstuck and co-author of Life Boosts with two New York Times Best Selling Authors, plus her current book. Her infectious enthusiasm and deceptively low-key, casual approach leave a lasting impression on her audiences.

Vickie loves to travel throughout the country offering keynotes, coaching, and workshops. She, along with her husband, Terry, moved south to escape the cold Michigan winters. They settled in Virginia for 15 years.

When the winters became too cold here, they moved further south and now live in Florida with their two dogs Surrey and Kim. She jokes that she has become one of those Floridians that she used to laugh at; bundled up when it is 70 degrees outside with mittens, a coat, and a scarf.

About Central VA IONS Community Group:

Central VA IONS Community Group is an unincorporated association and a local community group of The Institute of Noetic Sciences, an international association based in Petaluma, California (

We are not associated with any religion, religious organization, doctrine or set of beliefs or practices and is open to all. Central VA IONS is entirely dependent upon voluntary donations of its members and friends to support its programs, mailings and other costs.

A love offering is requested at each meeting from those attending who are not dues paying members. Richmond IONS/Central VA IONS meetings are held each month at locations announced in its program notices and are open to all. Our website is at

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Richmond IONS Meeting, September 15, 2016

Featuring a talk by Vickie Griffith

“Still Stuck? Releasing Limiting Beliefs and Other Acts of Self-Sabotage.”

Vickie GriffithOur September 17, 2016 program will feature a talk by Vickie Griffith, a Florida-based hypnotherapist, emotional freedom technique (“EFT”) practitioner, author (Stucked Up! A BreakThrough Path to Unstuck), self-help and improvement coach and teacher, who formerly lived in Richmond.

Vickie describes her childhood as one in which she felt cut off from normal social interactions with others due to being overweight, a chronic problem she began trying, by the age of 10, to correct by dieting, but without success.

Change finally came for her when, as a teenager, she became fascinated with the possibility of personal transformation through the power of the mind. In college she pursued psychology courses and eventually discovered hypnosis, EFT, and, through the use of these tools, the power to transform herself.  This gave her a calling to help others do the same and she has been pursuing that calling ever since.

Here’s how Vickie describes the program in her own words: “There is no doubt we are being called to experience our present lifetimes on a higher level. Many experts agree we are moving towards a higher consciousness, beyond prescribed limitations of old cultural norms and paradigms.

Yet once we are exposed to the new era for humanity our ‘buts…’ get big. Fears and self-limiting beliefs saying ‘I can’t do that’ overshadow our movement towards freedom and peace, and we get stuck. It then seems no matter what we do we still remain stuck in old negative thoughts, destructive habits and debilitating feelings.”

Vickie will share practical energetic tools for everyday life that will help shrink and dissolve your self-negating and self-limiting beliefs (your “buts…”). You will learn which of the four self-limiting beliefs keeps you stuck, what four resistances you are using right now to excuse yourself, and easy-to-use, real-time energetic tools to release what is keeping you stuck.

If you are ready to get unstuck, find freedom and happiness and really begin to experience the higher consciousness you desire, this program is for you.

About Our Presenter:

Vickie Griffith is a certified hypnotherapist, EFT practitioner, life coach, self-help teacher and author. She has given workshops around the country, appeared numerous times as a featured guest on radio and TV talk shows and is known for her infectious enthusiasm and deceptively low-key, casual approach.

Vickie is also an adjunct professor at J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College and is a licensed minister. You may visit her website at